
Question 16

2D Count array columns


After revisiting this question I can see that instead of E the correct answer is C. I just didn’t know the proper notation for the array syntax. I can now answer this question in the future now that I’ve seen the correct syntax.

Question 19


Equivalent Expressions

After coming back to this question I can see that instead of E the correct answer is A. This is because I forgot to include the negative notation on the && and the first part. This was just a time issue since I was rushing on a weekend quiz.

Question 35


For loops that produce the same output

After re-seeing this question, instead of picking E I should’ve picked D. This is because I made the mistake of K starting at 10 instead of 9. This was again a time issue and I’m sure I would’ve gotten it right have I paid more time and attention.

Question 37

If and compound boolean equivalence


After coming back to this question I can see that the answer is not D but E. This is because I didn’t use an   statement separating the two expressions and instead used and &&. This was an overlook on my part but I’m sure I can easily do this if I pay more attention.

Question 41

Mystery call to get 11


After coming back to this question I can see that rather than C, B is the right answer. This is because I reversed all the trues and false for whatever reason. I can do this question in the future as I guess I lost my train of thought somewhere between answering and putting down the answer.

Question 50

PrintSome method


After re-seeing this question I can see that the answer is D rather than C. This is because I didn’t see that the 10 would be divided by two. This was not a lack of knowledge however but just a minor mistake. I can fix this going through the future by rereading the question multiple times to be sure I have the right answer.

Question 66

Which while loop equivalent to for loop


After revisiting this question I can see that the answer is B rather than C. This is because I not only added two to the J first but also included 10 rather than just stopping at 10. This will be easy to fix in the future as I need to know that it runs an extra time when you use an equal sign.